Social Media Marketing Plans Customized to You

Social Media Marketing is a lot more than simply posting online. Each social media platform has pros and cons related to its use and not every social media type is appropriate for each business. Because of this, we customize our social media marketing plans for our customers, taking into consideration their Business Type, Target Audience, Marketing Budget, and Goals. We use graphic design to make every post specific to the client it is representing.

Social Media Marketing lines

We offer two different tiers of marketing services depending on our client’s desired outcome.

Awareness Campaigns are excellent for getting your name out there and building consistency with your customer base; they are also perfect for businesses with smaller budgets. Growth Campaigns are intended to bolster your fan base and bring in new customers; they are excellent for companies with a more substantial budget and room to grow. Marketing online takes time, and results cannot be guaranteed, but it is a noble endeavor and well worth the effort. View some of our past design work for our marketing clients, and check out our tips, campaign types, and even get in touch with us below.

Do You Want to Raise Awareness or Grow?