Q&A with Joseph

Joseph is the CEO and head honcho at Creative 7 Designs. He has been the marketing master for 15 years and started C7D from the ground up. Through a lot of hard work and sacrifice, C7D grew from his home office to now housing nine employees. When not at work you can find Joe working on his home, playing with his two beautiful children and spending time with his wife. We asked him to answer a few Questions so you could get to know him, here are his answers:

What’s your favorite song from the 90’s?

This is super hard for me. I grew up in the 90s, loved a lot of songs from various Christian artists. One that comes to mind was the DC talk album Jesus Freak, the song “In the Light”. 

What is your hot beverage of choice?

 I don’t like hot beverages that much really. Iced Organic Swiss Water Processed Decaf Latte with Almond milk and at least one, sometimes two raw sugars shaken in. 

What is your emotional response to the color yellow?

Time to slow down? 

What is the weirdest pet you have ever had?

PETs, where to start. I’ll go with my Pink Toed Tarantula on this one. Revision: I had a pet flying squirrel that I raised from a baby that fell out of a nest, it loved me had it for about 5-6 years. I kept trying to release it but it kept coming back in the house. I also had an American Robin that I raised from a baby, but “Meep” got eaten by a hawk, sad story, I can’t talk about it. 

If you could have a conversation with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?

Moses, he literally saw God. 

What was your favorite TV show growing up?

TV show? Was to busy building forts and traps in the forest.

If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?

The Force of course. Probably the dark side. 

What does your name mean/does it suit you?

Joseph: God Shall Prosper Daniel: God is my Judge. I believe it does.

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

My alarm, at 4am. Duh! On a more serious, in-depth note I would say my love for life, health, and family. Everyday is a gift, if we are able to get up we should. 

Do you have any irrational fears?
I don’t have any irrational fears. Is that irrational?
What would the title of your memoir be?

I have no idea.

If you were a color, what would you be and why?

Grey I suppose, because I like balance, regularity, I am a creature of habit. So its right in the middle of black and white. Maybe I am boring? I don’t know. I am a Grey Jedi to be sure.

What are three things still left on your bucket list?

Sit on a beach in Hawaii sipping one of those umbrella drinks, moving to another state and getting a farm kind of place and I’d like to meet a few longtime friends from other countries that I have known online

Who was your favorite teacher and why?

I was homeschooled, so does this mean I should say my mom? If I had to look at my favorite teacher or mentor right now I would say Mark Brownton. 

What did you want to be when you grew up?


Which three words best describe you?

Consistent, Reliable, Leader

If you could travel in time, would you go to the past or the future? Why?

From a purely human standpoint I’d love to go to the year 3000 and see if we have nailed space travel down, USS Enterprise status, so I could travel the stars. 

How would you like to be remembered?

Funny I never thought about this, at first I thought, I really don’t care about how people remember me. If I were to be remembered I would like to be remembered as someone who people relied on, trusted and saw an example of Christ in. 

Do you have any random pastimes you enjoy?

I like birdwatching a great deal. I suppose that is random. 

How would you describe what you do at work to a child?

UUUhhhhh I work on the computer and meet lots of cool people for a living. I also moonlight as one of those guys you see in the firetrucks weeewooo weeewooo weeewooo honk honk honk and so on.