social media platform is for your business

What is the Best Social Media Platform for Your Business and Why?

social media platform Different businesses demand different marketing strategies, and that includes determining what the best social media platform is for your business when it comes to client engagement and conversion rate. But understanding the relationship between social media and increased business might not register immediately with some folks. Generational differences, technological advances, and the shift in how we receive information collectively as consumers today all affect who uses social media and how social media is utilized. But knowing that there is good social media platforms for your business could help.

Consider the example of a law firm versus a cosmetic line—which of the two would you say would benefit more from utilizing Instagram to post giveaway challenges and other promotions: the law firm or the cosmetic line? Probably, you would reason that the law firm will not benefit much from the giveaway in comparison to the cosmetic line. Why, though?

In order to answer the question of why certain businesses succeed at using one social media platform while other businesses do not, we will consider three questions: 1) Why social media is good for businesses 2) What are the most popular business social media platforms and 3) How you can determine which social media platform is the best for your business based on what you need and what the social media platforms offer.

Why Is Social Media Good For Business, Anyway?

Some business owners make the assumption that social media might not be the best method of client engagement for them; perhaps your business has been attracting clients in-store for years and it just works. While there is nothing wrong with face-to-face engagement, it is always good to have both a face-to-face engagement process and something virtual because, in the event that we are asked to stay home for an extended period of time, you will find that the virtual engagement (i.e. online presence) that you have already established with your clients will come in handy.

If you are one of those business owners who is not interested in the best business social media platform or you feel like social media is not for you, maybe you just have not figured out which social media platform is right for your business. The reality is that when it comes to your business, whether small or large in size, social media provides a great opportunity and advantage. Consider three very simple yet very practical benefits of social media:

  • Increase the appeal and attractiveness of your business with visuals. Because people are visual creatures! Social media provides a massive visual gallery than simply can not be captured in-person. Why do you think so many individuals post things that are happening right in from of them? Because social media creates a unique visual experience that allows others to experience that moment with them.
  • Attract customers, get customer feedback, and build customer loyalty. Yes, you could do all of these things in person, but considering most customers are browsing online, the best way to attract them, engage with them, and gain their trust is to reach them where you are likely to find them—online.
  • Increase your market reach, including international markets. The unique aspect of social media is its ability to reach literally anyone, anywhere. This is no understatement. Just browse the comments section on YouTube and you will come across many people commenting in a variety of languages with one thing in common: that video. The reality is that social media reaches international audiences beyond what we can do as humans. Not only is it expansive, but it does so in a matter of seconds.

There are many more benefits to using social media for your business. You could use social media to improve the frequency, quality, and reach of your target audience. Social media is a quick and easy way to promote your business’s sales, promotions, events, and other marketing activities. Not to mention a primary benefit of social media is that it can go anywhere (or stay anywhere) with you! And the great thing is how convenient social media can be to use. While it might seem daunting at first, a small trip to YouTube will show you how to become a social media guru and your business can be virtually social in no time!

So, What Is the Most Popular Business Social Media Platform?

With research, it is easy to see what the most popular social media sites are because the same social media platforms appear in almost every article. As you consider the top 5 social media sites to-date, also consider how (and if) the specific social media platform could be used to enhance your business:

  1. Facebook is the leader when it comes to the best social media platforms for businesses: The good thing about Facebook is that no matter your industry, there is a spot for your business! Consider some of the leading industries on Facebook: financial services, eCommerce, retail, gaming, entertainment, media, telecom, technology, consumer goods, and automotive businesses. The fact that such a wide range of industries are garnishing success with Facebook shows how malleable the platform is. You could join or create groups and even use live video to increase your engagement.
  2. Twitter is also proving to be a popular social media site for businesses: If your business is related to entertainment, sports, politics, or marketing, you stand to earn tremendous engagement on Twitter. From the president of the United States to some random John Doe, Twitter bridges the gap between generations all the while bringing together various individuals with a common interest or blatant disagreement. It also helps that many of Twitter’s core features have been well-received by millions of users, such as its snappy 140-character limit (which now has been increased to 280), which allows for raw content in comparison to other social media platforms that restrict what can be posted and how. Twitter is for those who have an opinion to share, so businesses that are raw, snappy, and into potential back-and-forth engagement do well with this platform.
  3. LinkedIn is a social media site to consider for your business: Two words—Professional. Networking. What used to be a recruitment platform has now developed into a place to network. If you are a business owner looking for decision-makers who have the power to hire your company, stock your product, or partner with you, LinkedIn is the place to be. Sure, from the first glance in comparison to other social media platforms, LinkedIn might not be the flashiest social media network, but there is unlimited potential for connecting with an elite group of professionals who can make a difference for your business.
  4. Instagram ranks as one of the top social media platforms for businesses: This is no surprise. This was mentioned earlier, but Instagram is a visual platform and that is a huge deal to consumers. Because businesses can share pictures and videos with supporters in a more intimate way via Instagram, this inevitably forms a more personal connection with customers.
  5. Snapchat, though a unique platform, is still having success when it comes to being a popular business social media platform: Though Snapchat seems like a unique choice when it comes to business marketing, it is useful if you already have a decent amount of supporters. Perhaps you simply need to increase your engagement or establish more intimacy with your supporters, Snapchat is ideal for user-generated content, behind-the-scenes videos, exclusive offers, and more. Maybe your customers appreciate your services, but you do not quite know how to open up to them, so to speak. Snapchat grants you easy access to do just that!

Do You Know Which Social Media Platform is the Best for Your Business?

There is no doubt that the demand for online engagement from consumers seems to be hitting an all-time high with recent at-home regulations in place. People seem to be interested now more than ever in what a business is doing online before they give away their money in support. And with so many social media platforms to take advantage of, it is not always easy to determine which social media platform to use for your business. However, it is definitely possible.

Of course, not all social media platforms are ideal for your business. If you do not have a following, Snapchat might not be the best business social media yet. If your business is not currently interested in expanding its team, LinkedIn might not be the best. But one easy way to determine the best social media platform for your business is to consider having a presence on the most popular platforms and, from there, strategically choose which ones you could get rid of and which ones you could commit to. After considering these things and selecting your social media platforms of choice, monitor your levels of engagement to see which platforms you could afford to scratch out and which ones to keep.

If you need help with your social media engagement or are interested in learning what social media platform is the best for your business, we are here to help you! Creative 7 Designs builds digital experiences, including social media experiences for businesses to engage with their customers.