Autumn Blog

7 Proven Tips to Prepare for Fall Marketing Campaigns

Overview: Fall is all about festivals, cool weather, pumpkin-spiced lattes, and… marketing campaigns.

Seasonal marketing is one of the most natural strategies to leverage more sales. Summer serves as a perfect example, but with summer wrapping up and fall beginning, we’re entering the series of months that are typically packed for both consumers and business owners – giving those business owners the perfect opportunity to get more customers.

Marketing campaigns have a way of sticking with us, creating an impression or inspiring a purchase. To run a successful fall marketing campaign, you’ll need to adopt a different mindset when transitioning your campaign between the two seasons – from summer to fall. But how exactly can your business reach its audience?

If you’re after a boost in engagement, here are some clever tips to prepare for fall marketing campaigns.

Welcome Fall with a Fresh Aesthetic Theme:

As your target audience roams around the internet, they’ll likely stumble upon your website, social media channels, or both.

An unpleasant website theme is the last thing they’ll want to see – so make sure you’re giving them something that they love.

Audit Your Website:

Your website is the foundation of your marketing campaigns – so if there is some problem with converting leads, go through your content, images, themes, and web designs. This will effectively communicate why your marketing isn’t as effective as it should be.

Take a little time out of your busy schedule and click through your website from the point of view of a potential customer – just to see whether it’s easy to navigate, whether the content is readable, and whether the mobile-index-optimization is in good shape (since Google looks at the mobile version of your website more than the desktop version). Also, check if there are any updates required. You can also hire WordPress professionals to do the job for you.

Sponsor a Team:

The beginning of fall also marks the arrival of a new fall semester – meaning kids are returning to their schools and participating in sports. Consider supporting young athletes in ways that align with your marketing and business. For example, if you sell men/women’s clothing, partner with a soccer team. Offer to provide jerseys for the students in exchange for your logo to be presented on them.

Another potential technique: if you’re running a restaurant, offer a discount coupon if a customer brings in a ticket stub from a game – with your logo printed on it. You can help build a successful team while offering the customer a good deal.

Get Involved in Your Community:

Speaking of publicity, there are tons of occasions to get involved with your community – and get your name out there. One of the key factors is to make sure that people around you know that your company exists. With many other businesses organizing marketing campaigns, chances are that they will host a fall fair or Oktoberfest – so get involved with sponsoring the event.

Join the local and non-competing businesses to organize events to get customers. Make the rounds in your downtown and shopping districts. Hand out Halloween candy to the kids and market yourself to their parents. You never know where a new lead is awaiting you!

Make it a goal to add new networking events to your calendar each month. Marketing isn’t just about paid advertising, offering free coupons, jerseys, and logos. It’s also about putting your business out there and building relationships and connections – connections that will recommend you to others and help grow your business.

Send a Fall Newsletter:

A newsletter is an excellent way to grab the attention of your existing or potential customers. Once you create seasonal content, share it with your customers through a newsletter. You can send it once a week, twice a month, or once a season — it all depends on how your business works. Make sure to highlight fall promotions, themed coupon codes (like “FALL22,” for example), new products & services, or anything new and exciting happening with your business. You can also share your excitement about the recent launch you’re introducing to grab the attention of your potential prospect.

Related Article: 75 newsletter ideas & examples for every month of the year 

Launch a Referral Program This Fall:

Your existing customers are your most significant asset. Referral marketing statistics prove that people trust recommendations from friends and family when choosing a product or service. Referral programs are one of the proven ways to get your existing customers to send new customers your way.

Consider launching a referral program contest this fall to entice your customers to refer to their friends and family during busy seasons. Give away a small prize or gift for every referral — like a discount code, an extra small gift, or a few dollars on a gift card (if it fits in your budget). You could offer an incentive for every referring customer throughout your fall campaign, or you can reward the top three people who refer the most customers to your brand during that time.

Participate in Small Business Saturday:

Small Business Saturday is an initiative started by American Express to blow the lid off all the small businesses after Black Friday. This is the perfect fall marketing idea to help your business attract a new crop of customers and pick advantage of the holiday shopping season.

The best thing about American Express’s involvement is that they provide free marketing materials to help you promote your participation in the event. You can participate by hosting an in-store event, running a Small Business Saturday promotion, or encouraging people to shop with you during holidays.

In Summary:

The idea of hosting a marketing campaign on your own may feel intimidating, especially when you’re doing everything from scratch – even if you’re a pro. You can never be 100% sure about anything, but you can always give it your best effort and wait for it to bear fruit. With these tips, we’re confident you’ll be able to escalate your business to booming heights.

We believe in the power of teamwork. A strong team with diverse skills and great connections can take a business idea from good to great. Feel free to contact our talented team if you feel overwhelmed about marketing!