popular social media platforms

Why the Most Popular Social Media Platforms are Popular

Overview: Learn why the most popular social media platforms are as popular as they are

Marketers use popular social media platforms to generate leads and increase brand awareness. So if you’re given the task of starting a social media strategy for your company, you might wonder if you should focus your resources on Instagram marketing, or place half your budget on Facebook ads. But what about LinkedIn and Instagram? And doesn’t YouTube help boost sales? These questions plague small businesses and marketing agencies alike because it’s difficult to choose which popular social media site is right for you.

To help you decide which is going to be the right one for your agency or brand, let’s consider the top social media platform picks and the hype behind their popularity in 2022.


Next to its parent company Google, YouTube hails among the top 3 most popular digital platforms in the world – where users watch a billion hours of videos each day. It’s the second largest search engine company right after Google. People upload more than 100 hours of video per minute to YouTube, according to Algonquin College.

If you’re using video marketing to promote your business, you should be on YouTube by now already. It’s one of the best ways to communicate to a wide audience. You can create a YouTube channel and ensure you’re optimizing your content to work with the algorithm; you can also advertise on YouTube to increase your reach.

Why the Popularity?

YouTube is the world’s third most popular online destination because viewers, especially those of a younger demographic, can relate to the authenticity of user-generated content. In addition to their own content, popular YouTubers are utilizing traditional media to build their personal brand.

>> READ MORE: How YouTube Developed into a Successful Platform for User-Generated Content

Most viewers watch YouTube for a combination of reasons. Some watch entertainment channels and others focus on educating themselves on a certain topic – either way, different audiences gain insight on various subjects. Now if you want to start a YouTube channel, it might feel ambitious, but you can reach more people reach by partnering with your influencers with the same interests as yours make a team – and there’s nothing more excited than that.


With 2 billion people using Facebook every month, Facebook is yet another popular social media platform that offers a lot of potential to the users. This means that more than 36.9% of the population is a Facebook user. Another statistic of Facebook suggests that more than seven million promote their businesses on Facebook – and with the advancement of Facebook ads and Shorts, things have gone a lot better.

One thing to keep in mind is that Facebook offers a variety of entertaining elements, so in order to be seen or gain engagement, all you need to do is to understand the algorithm.

Why the Popularity?

The website alone offers a news feed, messaging/chat, voice and video calls, the ability to like, follow, subscribe, Marketplace and more. Apart from the UI and product tweaks, Facebook has also repeatedly rolled out new features such as Facebook’s Messenger platform, Facebook Beacon, and Facebook Messenger. You can read more about its engaging features here.

The popularity behind Facebook suggests that people share their words, feelings, entertaining content, and even informational resources at times. There are millions of groups in various niches for users to choose and enjoy.

Read this article by Neil Patel to understand all about the Facebook Algorithm.


With over 1 billion users, Instagram is the home of influencers, brands, friends, bloggers, and small business owners. While Instagram is the popular among younger demographics to increase their fan following – especially in the U.S – we recommend you consider Instagram for your business if your target audience is under forty. Because people just like us are used to scrolling through Instagram watching videos, enjoying memes, or just buying random products.

If you plan to use Instagram to promote your business, remember that stunning visuals, selfie-style videos (vlogs), and beautiful photography with a cohesive theme can attain the attention of your audience.

Why the Popularity?

People turn to Instagram because of the huge amount of exposure that users get by using hashtags, following others, and staying active. There have been several success stories of people finding fame and even making money or getting hired just by running an Instagram account!

>> READ MORE: Why Has Instagram Gotten So Popular?


With a predominant audience of adult women, Pinterest takes product discovery to a new level. Pinterest is the most popular social bookmarking tool for many people. It’s ideal for inspiring presentation ideas, vacation destinations, and interior design and decoration. It’s noted that users who pin photos that are directly linked to the websites, product pages, or other content across have increased revenue by almost 7x.

If your audience consists of adult women and your brand falls under the niche of lifestyle, fashion, decoration, makeup, or DIY, consider choosing Pinterest. Read this article to know how to use Pinterest marketing to gain exposure.

Why the Popularity?

Pinterest isn’t just about curating regular images. Social Marketing Writing says, “They are normally unique and beautiful images which are vying for your attention. […] This has been one of the key reasons for its success – its image based, unlike other social media which are content based.”


LinkedIn has evolved from a simple search engine into a professional platform. It doesn’t only attract in their industries, but also top talent throughout the world. We can’t stop saying that LinkedIn is the future. If you’re looking to inspire people through your nonprofit organization or just looking forward to boost your sales, LinkedIn is here for you! You can search for your target audience with advanced filters. Confused at how to maximize LinkedIn value through sales? Click on the link! 

Why the Popularity?

LinkedIn hosts more than 600 million professional profiles, which means nearly an unlimited supply of network connections and job opportunities. From seeking a new job to maintaining your personal brand, using LinkedIn is an important part of being a full-fledged professional in any industry these days. You can read more about this here.

In Summary – Be Selective With Your Social Media Presence:

Regardless of the size of users and algorithm of the social media sites, consider your brand audience, their age, interests, and where they’ll be more active. It’s better to pick two to three platforms to start.

Social media sites are an excellent way to engage with the potential buyers – largely depending upon how your target audience incorporate with the product you’re selling. If you’re running a huge business with overwhelming sales – or if you’re someone not very familiar with social media marketing – the creative team at Creative 7 Designs can help get you started. Visit our website to and start growing your digital presence today!